Established August 11, 1850

THE 175th CHURCH Anniversary

(Acts 17:10,11)

We are more than a church; We are a community of faith seeking to be the love of Jesus to the diverse community around us. 

Established August 11, 1850, during the Abolitionist Movement by a racially diverse group of people committed to spiritual and social change. That commitment included using the church to serve as a station on the “Underground Railroad” Later as a station on the “underground railroad,” helping countless African -Americans escape the tyranny of slavery. Berean is and always been a church of people just like you - real folk on a real journey to connect with God. A Church of Worship, Witness and Work for our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ.

Our focus for the year of 2025 continues to be building real & lasting relationships beginning with God, our family, friends, church and our community. Our church theme this year to… “FREEDOM FROM, FREEDOM TO …” John 8:36

Our goal is to grow in ministry (service) to our church, our community, our nation and the world. We are seeking to be greater stewards’ servants and students of God’s word and we are definitely a "Happy Church!" A congregation that is welcoming, smiling and accepting of all that enter our doors with praise, worship, fellowship and thanksgiving. We have activities for the entire family through participation in fellowship ministries for Seniors, Men, Women, Young Adults and Children and 30 different ministries and or committees to serve our God and witness to the world.   

Berean is presently under the dynamic leadership of Dr. Arlee Arkofa, Senior Pastor, Reverend Trevor A. Hyde, Jr., Pastor, Reverend Kimberly Headley, Associate Pastor, Deacon Ronald J. Bridges, Diaconate Ministry Chair and Trustee Forrest Williams - McDonald Trustee Ministry Chair.

Here at Berean, we are transforming lives one life at a time!

Share with us in this journey!

Our Mission

The mission of this church is to fulfill the Great Commission of Saint Matthew 28: 19-20 to make disciples of all and to build the kingdom of God here on earth as it is heaven.

We shall seek to fulfill this mission through the following:

  • A ministry of Kerygma (Proclamation) which shall include corporate worship services, preaching, teaching the Gospel in word and deed, and prophetic witness.

  • A ministry of Koinonia (Fellowship) which shall include Christian nurture, Christian education, evangelism, and discipleship.

  • A ministry of Diakonia (Service) which shall include local and global missions, social action and advocacy, and social justice.

  • We shall observe the Ordinance of Baptism by immersion in water according to Matthews 28:19, Acts 2:38 and administer to all who give clear evidence of repentance from sin, and belief and confession of Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord; we shall observe the Ordinance of the Lord’s Supperregularly enjoined by the Scriptures, Luke 22:19-20 , I Corinthians 11:23-26.

  • We shall license, commission and ordain qualified candidates for the Christian ministry according to the standards set forth in the Scriptures and recommended by the Pastor and approved by the church body.